IT‘S ALL CHINESE TO ME 下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子版 mobi 在线

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  • ISBN:9780804840798
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2011-03
  • 页数:181
  • 价格:105.60
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  Ready to gain insight into China in a fascinating way? It?s

All Chinese to Me is a comprehensive overview of Chinese culture

that allows you to peer into what makes the Chinese people


Firsthand tips, insights and fun cartoon-like illustrations give

you graphic impressions of the real China, and allow you to get a

feel not only for what it?s like, but how to survive the cultural

differences. Covering everything from major influences and

historical events that guide Chinese behavior to social

idiosyncrasies that surprise most Westerners, It?s All Chinese to

Me helps demystify Chinese culture for Westerners.











To sum up, China's long history as an invincible empire together with its more recent history as a victim of foreign imperialism has shaped the Chinese worldview in two fundamental ways. Chinese attitudes in foreign relations can be characterized as consisting of feelings of culture superiority coupled with contradictory feelings of technological inferiority. Whereas there is a certain amount of respect for Western accomplishments in technology, there is also condescension toward the West due to its seeming lack of cultural development. In addition, there are also feelings of animosity and distrust.

as a result, there are now essential two Chinas:

1.The increasingly prosperous and modern urban centers such as Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong(roughly 350~400 million people; about 30% of China's total population.)


2.The rest of China (roughly 900-950 million people; about 70% of China's total population). This group is by far the largest segment of society and lives mostly in the countryside. Unlike their rich urban cousins, this group of rural peasants generally lives in a state of chronic, absolute poverty.

In modern urban China, many people aspire to acquiring material welath in the form of electronic goods, new cars and beautiful homes - very much like their Westren couterparts.

In the country side, that vast majority of people, over 900 million peasants, are mostly concerned with having enough rice for their next meal. Most of China is dirt poor

Currently in Mainland China, the gender ratio at birth (male to female) is 117:110. This is significantly higher than the natural baseline, which is around 103:100. According to China's Stat Population and Family Planning Commission, men will outnumber women by about 20 million in the year 2020. A massive shortage of wives is a likely prospect. This could eventually prove to be a significant source of social and political unrest in the imminent future.

Another important influence of Confucianism in Chinese society is its heavy emphasis on scholarship...With so many people and relatively few places available in China's universities, the entire education system is not so much geared to educating students as it is to weeding them out. Children are faced with hundreds of exam while going through primary and secondary school. Thrust into a fiercely competitive environment at an early age, the path to success is fraught with many obstacles and countless chances for failure. Only a select few who are lucky enough and clever enough manage to make it into a so-called "good university." this secures an almost guaranteed path to a decent career and a healthy financial future. The entire academic process, in effect, parallels the ancient Imperial e...

In summary, the Chinese education system, founded on Confucian principles of learning, is a competitive system based on extensive testing. It stifles creative development and provides opportunities for only a tiny fraction of the total population. When interacting with people in China, keep in mind that almost all of them have suffered enormously under this system. It is best to cultivate a forgiving attitude toward those who sometimes seem unable to deal with situations requiring creative solutions - no matter how simple the problem may appear to you.




Ready to gain insight into China in a fascinating way? ItÆs All Chinese to Me is a comprehensive overview of Chinese culture that allows you to peer into what makes the Chinese people tick.

Firsthand tips, insights and fun cartoon-like illustrations give you graphic impressions of the real China, and allow you to get a feel not only for what itÆs like, but how to survive the cultural differences. Covering everything from major influences and historical events that guide Chinese behavior to social idiosyncrasies that surprise most Westerners, ItÆs All Chinese to Me helps demystify Chinese culture for Westerners.


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